Our first publication was the Soul Chat book, which is a conversation with our inner intelligence, which preferred the name: S.O.U.L - Source Of Universal Life.
Even though we logged the conversation and the given practical exercises, our journey began many decades earlier, with an inner search to end our own personal suffering. Over the years, we have received a lot of theory from this intelligence, including guidance on how to test it. The outcomes have been staggering.
Learning about the reality of Soul and its meeting ground with the mind in a space called Zero Point Focus, we were able to communicate what was needed, and then wait for the prompt to act. We discovered that Soul could manifest without effort! Both Soul Chat and ZPF have become game-changers for daily living.
Life Chat is a group of globally experienced Ph.D level Counsellors and Hypnotherapists. We go beyond the limited understanding of the life coaching industry to bring about real change.
How do we do this? We have been searching for spiritual answers about who we are, why we are on earth, and what the relationship between the physical and the spiritual actually is.
We show you how to use the connection to your inner intelligence to understand your purpose and change your reality.
When you apply our steps, the results will be life-changing.
Life Chat is an organically unfolding service. We aim to bring Soul into every issue life throws at us and provide us with a solution.
Our aim is to share our findings, so that you can pick out a subject of interest and apply its theory to bring about a resolution.
We aim to cover many subjects including: Health Chat, Relationship Chat, Parent Chat, Teen Chat, Gay Chat, Career Chat, Weight-Loss Chat, Wealth Chat, and many more.
Our focus is to grow Life Chat into a place where you can turn to for guidance from your Soul.
The Life Chat team have a wealth of knowledge and experience globally. They already have thousands of students individually around the world and have teamed together to bring you the best of their total understanding.